The mission of the ramsar convention, as adopted by the parties in 1999 and refined in 2005 and 2011 is the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local, regional and national actions and international cooperation, as a contribution towards achieving sustainable development throughout the. The ramsar convention on wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. Ramsar convention the convention on wetlands of international importance what ramsar is. Iran in 1971, the ramsar convention on wetlands of. The convention on wetlands of international importance. Concluded at ramsar, iran, on 2 february 1971 authentic texts. Davis and published in 1994, it was enthusiastically welcomed as an essential vade mecumthrough the sometimes bewildering world of ramsar resolutions, guidelines, and terminology. Ramsar convention 1971 pdf download criteria, ramsar sites in india hello friends welcome to. The ramsar convention formally, the convention on wetlands of international importance, especially as waterfowl habitat is an international treaty for. A guide to the convention on wetlands, ramsar, iran, 1971 w hen the ramsar manualwas first compiled by t. Ramsar is the first of the modern global intergovernmental treaties on. Convention is an international treaty that provides for international cooperation for the conservation of wetlands it was signed on february 2nd 1971 in ramsar. The convention encourages member countries to nominate sites that are important for.
Here we are sharing ramsar convention short notes in pdf for upsc prelims and mains 2017 exam. A guide to the convention on wetlands ramsar, iran, 1971. Thus, though nowadays the name of the convention is usually written convention on wetlands ramsar, iran, 1971, it has come to be known popularly as the ramsar convention. It is named after the city of ramsar in iran, where the convention was signed in 1971. Convention on wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat ramsar, iran, 2. Ramsar convention an overview sciencedirect topics. In 1971, an international convention was held in ramsar, iran and participants signed a treaty entitled, the convention on wetlands of international importance, especially as waterfowl habitat. Ramsar convention 1971 pdf download criteria,ramsar. The ramsar convention aims to halt the worldwide loss of all wetlands and to conserve, through wise use and management, those that remain.
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